This article explains why it's imperative to check your EHCP, when you must be doing this, and how.
So, what is an EHCP?
An EHCP is a freestanding legal document that describes your child’s needs (difficulties) and how these must be provided for in their educational placement, or Education Other than At (or In) School (or College). The EHCP will remain with your child until they are 25, if they are still engaging in education. (It will cease should your child start to attend University). This is a long time, and if your EHCP is not fit for purpose, your child/Young Person (YP) will be at a serious disadvantage.
The EHCP contains many Sections:
A – The parent and child’s views
B- The child or young person's Special Educational Needs (difficulties) – enforceable
C – The child or YPs health care needs (difficulties) which relate to their SEN
D – The child or YPs social care needs (difficulties) which relate to their Special Educational Needs or Disability
E – The Outcomes that are wished for the child/YP
F – The provision that is required for the child or YP - enforceable
G – The health care provision that is reasonably required by the learning difficulties or disabilities which result in the child or young person having special educational needs
H – 1 Any social care provision which must be made for the child or young person as a result of section 2 of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970 F 10
H – 2 Any other social care provision reasonably required by the learning difficulties or disabilities which result in the child or young person having special educational needs
I – The name of the school, maintained nursery school, post 16 institution or other institution to be attended by the child or young person, and the type of institution, or where the name of a school or other institution is not specified in the EHC Plan the type of school or other institution to be attended by the young person – enforceable
J – Where any SEP is to be secured by a Personal Budget or Direct Payment.
Only B, F and I are legally enforceable, with a right of appeal section 51 (2) (c) Children and Families Act 2014
It looks pretty good to me, there’s lots here, it’s pages long!
To quote Mr O. Wilde ‘the truth is rarely pure and never simple’. Do not be lulled into the false security that a long narrative EHCP contains the correct information. It’s all about the wording, choice of wording, and most importantly what has been conveniently omitted.
Why would information be missing?
This is the question we all ask, and the answer is as clear as a chalk stream on a summer’s day – funding. The EHCP will provide, and this comes at a cost. Provision must be made for each, and every need SEND Code of Practice 2015 9.69 (f), and if a need isn’t in Section B, it doesn’t exist, if it doesn’t exist then there’s no provision required, if the provision isn’t required the school won’t have to have any specific speciality or resources – can you see where this is heading?
I’ll just put what I know that my child needs into Section B then – job done, is that okay?
A big, huge no, underlined in red bold, with a wooden cross, KEEP OUT nailed to it , and an armed guard, just no. The only information that can be placed in Sections B and F is that which comes directly preprofessional reports. Parents’ wishes and requests are for that unenforceable Section A.
And if your Section F has the infamous woolly words, and phrases you’re in deep trouble.  See our blog for more help here
So what to do?
That’s where we come in, our blogs including the one above will give you a heads up, and our not for profit webinars will provide you with a step-by-step video guide, to checking your EHCP and come with a full resource pack that you just download.   Find the EHCP checking webinars here.
You must keep your EHCP up to date, for every Annual Review, for Phase Transition Annual Review, and at Draft. Don’t allow your EHCP to be out of date, with missing information from  professional evidence. E
You can find more information on their professional, bespoke 1:1 services here:
Empowering Families of Children with SEND Ltd also provide fully bespoke 1:1 EHCP checking support with Anna & Sarah as part of their professional service, for details click here: Bespoke 1:1 support from Anna & Sarah
You can find testimonials to our bespoke service on our website and Facebook business page - here
We are, and always will be Stronger Together.