Consultancy Services
Anna & Sarah are the owners and directors of Empowering Families of Children with SEND. They have joint professional experience of over 60+ years across the full range of all phases of education in both the maintained and independent sector, are qualified SEND legal advocates and parents of SEND young people now in their early 20s. They provide professional SEND and EHCP services to all maintained and independent EYFS providers, schools, groups of education providers and academy chains, as well as public speaking and training services to corporate businesses for DE&I.
Our services for Schools and Businesses
Our range of services include:
Bespoke training for SENDCos
EHC needs assessment request services
Bespoke SEND/EHCP 1:1 consultancy support
Half termly 'drop in' support, advice and training for SENDCos
If you have a particular idea in mind for how we can support your school, nursery, acadamy or business please get in touch via the below options.